Wednesday, February 12, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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July 31, 2018 APL confirms Latin American peak only two years after CMA CGM integration Liner records 60% volume increase in Chile alone since the merger

Its been two years since the integration of operations between CMA CGM and APL, where the latter opted to maintain its independece in order to boost the brand name and turn into a profitable business, goals that have been met with ease in Sout America, where the liner has increased its presence and is starting to expand into new types of containerized cargo.

Rodolfo Garcia, APL commercial manager for South America, highlights that the main change after the interation was that “we went from being a niche carrier to competing in the big leagues because we now have access to the CMA CGM’s volume and economies of scale.” He also remembers that before this process, APL was in a very complex situation because it didn’t have enough volume to be competitive in an increasingly complex market, with relevant costs and reduced margins. “If there’s no economy of scale and volume to compete, you tend to disappear,” he says. For Garcia, integration has allowed APL to adjust costs in an important manner, which in turn “has allowed us to survive and become a profitable company.”

Big scale services

Currently, that vitality is reflected in Chile with the presence of APL in the new ACSA 1, ACSA 2 and ACSA 3 services, where the company operates 100% of one of the slings and shares spaces in 8,000 and 9,000 TEUs with its partners Cosco, CMA CGM and Evergreen, liners that are also part of its network in Latin America, especially in the Asia route as part of the Ocean Alliance. There’s also the support from the Sea Land network in the north-south services. “Participating in large scale services is one of the main changes we have seen since the integration,” points out Garcia.

APL’s commercial manager explains that the company is present in all of Latin America, where it moves nearly 450,000 TEUs between Mexico, Central and South America, with 33% share each. The executive also mentions that 80% of South American trade is Asia exports/imports, another 15% is USA and nearly 5% is intraregional. The focus on Asian imports is on consolidated all kind freight and they also work with the most reknowned cargo agencies and retailers in the region. As far as exports go, it is focused on dry cargo, especially commodities: fishmeal, metals, wood in Ecuador and coffee in Colombia, among others. “One of the important things about our history as a niche carrier is the recognition in the refrigerated cargo area: avocados and blueberries, cargoes that we have managed to expand over the years.”

Larger vessels?

Garcia also mentions the soon arrival of larger APL ships to South America. “Increasing vessel capacity would be a mistake because supply and demand are fairly balanced,” he says, although “if the future market conditions allow it, the idea is to grow and obtain economies of scale to diminish costs.”

Key issue: customer service

The executive explains that the CMA CGM group has two strong brands: CMA CGM and APL, each with its own independent strategy, commercial and customer service teams. “In this sense, APL has historically been well positioned in market studies,” he says. “We have always stood out for personalized service, dedicated to our clients and fast response times. Clients appreciate having a commercial or customer service executive that answers the phone 24 hours a day. Its no mystery that this has become a commodity, you sell space from point A to point B, but what makes the difference is the customer service.”

Business in Bolivia

APL’s success is evident. In the past two years in Chile the company has grown 60% in volume and garcia estimates that 2018 will close with 35,000 TEUs of the Group’s total 160,000. The carrier has managed to grow, show competitiveness and even enter new markets. “In the last years APL has become an important actor in the frozen cargo area”, says the executive.

Always under the premise of growing in a profitable way, from the WCSA from the carrier looks to reach other markets other than Asia. In fact, there are studies underway looking to enter Europe and return to the US with competitive services. Among the other markets under the lookinglass is the possibility to enter Bolivia. “We are studying the possibility to create a new brand and enter the market in Bolivia because it is a market on the rise with large container movement and interesting business opportunities for carriers,” he mentions.

Finally, the executive mentions the global challenge for this year and its for APL to join CMA CGM’s digital platform “Lara and Lisa”, faster, more efficient and the focal point of the work in South America to facilitate work in terms of reservation of spaces and container tracking.

By MundoMaritimo

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