Tuesday, October 22, 2024 | ISSN 0719-241X
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April 19, 2023 Project Logistics: the new horizon that Rhenus Chile seeks to conquer Growth in oversized cargo boosts debut at Expomin

Since its arrival in the country in 2019, Rhenus Chile has been noted for showing its ambitious plan to position itself in the local market and for achieving its mission. Already by 2022, the Chilean office of the German-based logistics operator registered a wide range of services, not only international transport, but also warehousing, distribution, international cargo insurance, last mile logistics and 5PL, which generated a growth of 356%. 

The great momentum obtained in the Chilean market has only motivated Rhenus Chile to go for further horizons, aiming this time to increase its market share in both the airfreight and project (oversized) markets. To learn more about the operator's plans, we spoke exclusively with Esmerlyn Farías, Commercial Manager Rhenus Chile, who talked about the new office at the airport and Rhenus Chile's debut at the Expomin mining industry fair, to expand its reach with local and international mining companies operating in Chile. 

AMB Airport

In 2021, Rhenus Chile became certified with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) for air cargo handling, so the next step to consolidate the service was to have an office in the vicinity of the airport, to serve customers optimally. "Since our arrival, we have grown a lot in maritime (FCL, LCL). We set that goal and we achieved it. And this year the goal is air, boosting the air cargo area. That is why the new office is located in the primary area [of the airport] for import and export, so it is a neuralgic location for the service. It is part of the operation's agility strategy, positioning, and growth project for 2025, which aims for 30% of the annual budget to come from air cargo," says the commercial manager, who adds that the office opened its doors on March 1st, 2023. 

Since the start of operations of the office at the airport, Rhenus Chile has a weekly consolidated service from Miami to Chile of 1,500 kg and "we expect to reach 12,000 kilos per month by the end of 2024," says Farías. Meanwhile, on the export side, Rhenus Chile is entering into shipments of pharmaceutical products - with cold chain - manufactured in the country and destined for various locations in Central America. "We are currently hiring personnel specialized in perishable and refrigerated cargo," he adds. 

"We want to be part of the country's growth. Chile continues to be at the forefront of the Latin American region. We have seen an important growth in air exports and there are very few suppliers, and we want to be part of the options that the client may have as well," points out the executive who leads the national office. 

Chile Project Logistics

Another of Rhenus Chile's objectives for this year is to increase its presence in the project cargo or oversized cargo market. To this end, they have created the Chile Project Logistics area, whose services are based on the group's extensive experience in Europe, from where they have teams specialized in oversized cargo. "Rhenus has more than 1,120 of its own offices, of which those in Europe are more than 100 years old and have specialized areas. In the case of project cargo, we have expert teams in India, Turkey, China, Spain, and Italy. In the case of Chile, it was foreseeable, as it was the only country that did not stop its projects during the pandemic. In addition, Chile has a strong development of green and sustainable energies following the guidelines and objectives of Rhenus at a global level, the certification and affirmation as a sustainable company: We seek to offer services that take care of the planet and protect the environment," she emphasizes, adding that "this year it was urgent to be among the project service providers at national level, targeting the oversized load, where we have started with certain clients/services that are already part of Rhenus and the department is headed by Gonzalo Becerra, Project Manager, who has 35 years of experience in the area." 

Debut Expomin 2023

Precisely, the mining industry is where Rhenus Chile will seek to provide support and generate added value through specialized services in oversized cargo. "This will be our first Expomin (April 24 to 27, Parque Fisa, Santiago), along with our debut in trade fairs in the region and our stand," highlights Farías. The truth is that the largest mining event in Latin America is focusing this year on sustainability and the participation of women. "We are venturing into mining, and we want to promote sustainability, along with emphasizing the inclusion that Rhenus professes at the corporate level, highlighting our values to the local community," she says, noting that, of the 637 exhibitors, three are global customers of the company that began their relationship with Rhenus through the office in Chile. 

By MundoMaritimo

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