Tuesday, October 22, 2024 | ISSN 0719-241X
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Disruption in the Red Sea Boosts Rates on Key Routes, Indirect Impact Could Affect South America

Disruption in the Red Sea Boosts Rates on Key Routes, Indirect Impact Could Affect South America

ECSA May Feel the Effect of Capacity Redistribution by Shipping Lines
Edition of January 09, 2024

Four out of every five container ships that used to pass through the Red Sea and the Suez Canal are now being diverted around the Cape of Good Hope. The effects of this change are significant for all stakeholders in global supply chains, explains Xeneta's chief analyst, Peter Sand. He warns "shippers, cargo owners, and freight forwarders that they can expect this to affect them for months, not days or weeks."

Of course, the most evident impact of the crisis at the level of spot rates is on the Asia to Europe route, where the Shanghai Containerized Freight Index (SCFI) from China to Northern Europe, as of Friday, January 5, increased by $177/TEU to $2,871/TEU. Lars Jensen notes that although the figure indicates a significant slowdown in the rate of increases, it's important to recall that during the pandemic's peak, the SCFI for the Asia-Northern Europe rate reached $7,800/TEU.

Two other points to consider are that rates in October and November 2023 were very low (at unsustainable levels) and that the SCFI measures the rate per TEU and must be doubled to be compared with other indices which are generally recorded per FEU (forty-foot container).

This is the case with the Freightos Baltic Index (FBX), which in its latest measurement of spot rates for the Asia-Northern Europe route noted an increase of 151% to $4,042/FEU. Last week, the Drewry World Container Index (WCI) for the Shanghai – Rotterdam route observed a weekly rise of 115% ($1,910) to $3,500/FEU, and for the Shanghai-Genoa route, it marked an increase of 114% ($2,222) to $4,178/FEU.

For a broader perspective on tariffs, it's noteworthy that the global World Container Index (WCI) has seen a substantial increase. Specifically, the WCI rose by 61% weekly, reaching $2,670 per FEU. This current rate is 88% higher than the 2019 average, which was $1,420 per FEU. Notably, 2019 was the last year unaffected by disruptions and predates the pandemic. In essence, this data indicates a significant surge in shipping rates.

Indirect effect in South America

However, as noted, the impact is not limited to the routes that cross the Suez Canal but is global. Peter Sand suggests that "there is no safe harbor when a key maritime artery of world trade is disrupted in this way."

This is how the East Coast of the U.S. and the East Coast of South America are also affected, he explains, "although in the latter destination not directly, but because shipping lines now need to redistribute capacity to maintain their service levels."

Of course, the analyst does not forget to include in the list the contribution of the increase in global maritime transport costs to inflation and the consumer's pocket.

Key: Knowing the cargo route

In this context of rising rates and maximum concerns about cargo safety, Lars Jensen recommends shippers and cargo owners "keep in mind who is operating the ships when booking cargo". He points out that an example of this is Hapag-Lloyd, which throughout the crisis has been diverting ships via southern Africa. However, due to its vessel sharing agreement with CMA CGM - the only TOP 10 shipping line still sailing through the Red Sea - on its 'IO3' service, some of its containers will necessarily transit through the Red Sea, thus impacting risk assessments.

It is also evident that the navigation route used impacts transit times, an effect that can be seen through the reliability of port calls. In this regard, Sea- Intelligence detected that this factor fell to 61% globally in November (when the attacks by the Houthi rebels began). This data does not sound very good, especially with Jensen's observation that it is "interesting" that the consultancy "noticed that the schedule reliability figures are following a similar trajectory to that of 2020", the year the pandemic began.

But what to do?

Amid this new crisis, Peter Sand reminds shippers and cargo owners that monitoring and analyzing market conditions are essential at this time (but also in less dramatic times) to manage risk and ensure cargo flow.

He also recommends keeping an eye on the spot market, as well as long-term contracts, available capacity, and where it is deployed. He also considers it relevant to review the budget for maritime transport in 2024, as he maintains that all estimates from a month ago "are now outdated."

He also indicated that "everyone who works with a global manufacturing network in one place and sales in many other places should always be aware of their transport requirements and more."

But finally, he leaves a ray of hope: "Regardless of the severity of the current attacks, I don't think this will go down in history books as something that was rewriting the way we set up maritime supply chains as we know them today."

By MundoMaritimo

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