Friday, May 17, 2024 | ISSN 0719-241X
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The Threat of a Terrorist Attack; the Transport Industry and Dangerous Goods


The Threat of a Terrorist Attack; the Transport Industry and Dangerous Goods

Some Considerations
Edition of August 31, 2005

The press in the UK has reported that according to intelligence there was the possibility that a terrorist attack may take place by using fuel tankers. There is mention also of dangerous goods as a target. 

For the UK Government, industry and the general population in the United Kingdom, this brings into sharp focus the issue of transportation of people and goods, and, more specifically, the transportation of dangerous goods.

Mainly, we would classify these groups as follows to assist in their consideration:

(i)    Transportation by Road and infrastructure both national and international: People and goods.

(ii)   Transportation by Rail and Infrastructure both national and international: People and goods.

(iii)  Transportation by Sea and infrastructure both national and international: People and goods.

(iv)   Transportation by Inland Waterways and infrastructure both national and international: People and goods.

(v)    Transportation by Air and infrastructure both national and international: People and goods.  

In the case of transportation of goods, and the specific problem of the transportation of dangerous goods, we identify three possible targets. These are: 

(i)    People

(ii)   Infrastructure, both commercial and private

(iii)  Environment 

There are also three aspects to consider with reference to a terrorist attack and the handling and transportation of dangerous goods: 

(i)    Handling and transporting dangerous goods and the prevention of a terrorist attack

(ii)   Handling and transporting dangerous goods and how to proceed when an attack takes place not just by the party involved

(iii)  Handling and transporting dangerous goods and the aftermath of an attack

Regarding these, we have to consider the training which has been given to handle and transport dangerous goods on the one hand and on the other, the training which has been provided to deal with terrorism under the three mentioned situations.

It has been commented that it is impossible to deal with the prevention of a terrorist attack using a tanker, being a ship or road tanker transporting gas, for example, by implementation of antiterrorist legislation. The degree of success of a terrorist attack may depend very much on how well trained those involved are not just in the handling and the transportation of dangerous goods, but also in terms of general terrorists attack prevention and dealing with a situation when under attack as mentioned earlier.

If, as a result of non compliance with dangerous goods regulations, a terrorist attack were to be facilitated causing serious consequences for affected people, property or the environment, legal action against those responsible may give rise to actions for damages and such consequences may have other effects such as non payment under an insurance policy, in cases of unreasonable non compliance, for example. Prosecution may also ensue under Dangerous Goods legislation.

The regulations which affect the handling and transportation of dangerous good are substantial and well known by those affected by these. These certainly improve safety with regard to the handling and transportation of dangerous goods, but under a terrorist attack, what action may be taken? One issue to consider is the safety of those in charge of transporting the dangerous goods. In the case of rail and road transport it may be possible to consider more secure cabins to make it difficult for terrorists to attack the drivers, giving them more time to react. This would be more difficult to achieve in planes and ships if the crew have been infiltrated. There would need to be very strict employment screening in this regard. 

Speed cameras and CCTV may have a positive effect when dealing with prevention, during and in the aftermath of a terrorist attack. There has been controversy as to the amount and  effectiveness and general intrusiveness of CCTV and speed cameras in the UK but a wider use may be vital in the prevention of a terrorist attack when assessing suspicious behaviour by a group of people on the highway, for example.

Clearly, there are a number of measures which need to be considered when assessing the issues of prevention of terror attacks if related to carriage of dangerous goods. 

Pysdens Solicitors         

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