Tuesday, October 22, 2024 | ISSN 0719-241X
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June 25, 2020 Digital Maritime Week: TOC Digital Leader’s Debate focused on automation & data sharing Session featuring Kalmar, Konecranes & Siemens executives

We will remember 2020 for the many ‘names’ it has earned by remaining in our collective memory as the year of the coronavirus pandemic. But there’s another name 2020 will be known by the year of webinars. Social distancing has limited travel -business & leisure- by 97% worldwide, forcing physical venues to go online. Thus, events companies such as TOC Events have had to adapt to the virtual world. TOC’s transition into a digital events leader has been effective and in-line with the company’s 40-year trajectory developing content and gathering leading industry experts to discuss the current issues and shape the future. TOC Digital has embarked on a series of webinars of its own and as part of coordinated efforts, such as the Digital Maritime Week event, where they lead the Leader’s Debate session.

More than 700 viewers tuned in to watch TOC Digital’s presentation, which was centered on discussing Resilience & Recovery through COVID-19, with the participation of Antti Kaunonen, President - Automation Solutions, Kalmar; Stefan Lampa, President - Mobile Solutions, Kalmar; Mika Mahlberg, Executive Vice President, Konecranes; and Christian Koegl, CEO – Cranes, Siemens, looking at how ports and terminals adapt to the permanent changes the coronavirus is bringing on. 

Trust in times of COVID

The current scenario is not without challenges, but times of crisis bring opportunities for change. Ports and terminals have shown 2 sides: resistance and acceptance. However, the future will be the same for both resistant administrations and those who accept the conditions of the ‘new normal’, so, it seems that embracing the new reality will make that transition smoother and much more beneficial for all parties involved. “For our customers, at first, they didn’t believe we could do remote work on our equipment, saying it wouldn’t work… and it does. So, this crisis has given us the chance to show our customers that we CAN do our work remotely and that has made a shift in the way we all see and understand digitalization,” says Christian Koegl, CEO Cranes Siemens. Stefan Lampa, President, Mobile Solutions Kalmar agrees with the increase of trust the pandemic has brought on. “This situation has put to the test all our services and we have been able to help and support our clients all throughout this time,” says Lampa.
Also, for Antti Kaunonen, the ability to provide technical support from afar means that specialists do not need to be on planes every other week traveling the world to solve small and large problems. “Now we have much more effective use of the time of our few specialists,” says Kaunonen.
Mika Mahlberg, Executive Vice President, Konecranes believes that this crisis has accelerated the customers’ acceptance to be connected. “We have been collecting systematically information from the assets for more than 10 years and the understanding in the early years was different from what it is today. Today we can troubleshoot and condition remotely and this is good for the customer and even for the environment as it involves much less travel. This is allowing us to move from digitalization to more analyzing the data, optimizing operations,” says Mahlberg.
‘Sharing is caring’
It’s all about the digitalization and use of data. The transition towards recovery will be smooth as long as it involves integrating data and digitalization. The speakers agreed that there were two types of customers: those who do want to share the data and those who don’t. Sharing data will provide new insights, which will be fundamental in navigating the new normal. “There is great potential in sharing and analyzing the data,” says Mahlberg.
There are two types of data: one for automation and another for operation, as the experts agree. “Customers want improvements in the automation and by sharing it we can establish functionality parameters,” highlights Koegl. “The owner of the data -terminals in the case of cranes- should be willing to share relevant data to improve systems, make them more reliable and better maintenance in the long term. It’s all for the benefit of the customer,” adds the expert.
“Data sharing will make the terminal more efficient. The productivity improvement potential by sharing data is extraordinary. But it is still an issue,” says Mika Mahlberg. “Making data available to third-party developers, that’s how you get innovation,” states Lampa in agreement with the overall concern of the importance of sharing data.
Automation, remote operation, and data sharing are changes already underway. How resilient and how well each port and terminal recovers after the pandemic tsunami waters have calmed down will only depend on how well they have embraced and incorporated this new way of working.
TOC Digital will continue its webinars on July 15 as part of the Deep Tech Series – Accelerating Digitalization and later on July 30 with The New Normal for Health & Security in Terminal Operations. For more information on registration, please click here https://www.toc-events.com/en/toc-digital.html 
By MundoMaritimo

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